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A Tempting Beach

The inviting beach stretches out to our right, tempting us with its soft sand and crystal-clear tranquil waters.

For now, we’ll enjoy our boardwalk stroll and perhaps return for a refreshing dip at the end of our walk.

Looking through the trees onto a tranquil beach with waves gently breaking on the shore

Speightstown Jetty

Step out onto the jetty for a panoramic view of the section of the boardwalk we’ve just traversed.

From this vantage point, we can also admire the historic St. Peter Parish Church.

Panoramic view from the jetty of the northern end of the boardwalk and esplanade

Jetty View

Our view to the right of the jetty looks across the tranquil water towards a lovely white-sand beach where a few beachgoers frolic in the water.

View from the jetty across the sea to a tranquil beach

Arlington House Museum

Arlington House Museum is another wonderful historical site - a beautifully restored 18th century building that now houses an interactive museum highlighting the history of the town and life on the island in the 1700’s and 1800’s.

Arlington House Museum with it's historic architectural style


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